Thoughts, insights and opinions: Watch what u say

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Watch what u say

Why do people just let it out what ever in their mind without really thinking what effect it has to another. I amazed by this. Is is a good thing to call a spade a spade and feel proud of it?

But again deep in me i feel, if it hurts another, it aint worth it. It is always better to be diplomatic at certain times when u need to get a message across.

And on other times, if its done during the spur of moment, people can always be sarcastic about it when confronted again. as its a mistake in the first place. It is better to follow the mind rather heart, Being sensible is the key. I could be wrong, then again I could be right.

Anyway people behave the way they do due to circumstances.. and what right do I have to even question them. So I might just keep my opinion to myself. My apologies to those who think they are right....

D'poet as what he thinks...


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Da Zulu said...

My two cents on this is... I truly get what you're saying about watching what comes out of your mouth especially when you're face with a delicate situation if handled wrongly can easily blow up in your face. However, sometimes, I feel that you do need to be blunt in order to get your message across, for example if a friend comes to you with a problem and he/she asks for your opinion... if you think that by being honest with you opinion would help your friend with his/her problem, then I feel you shouldn't be sugarcoating anything. Coz hard love, is still love at the end of the day.


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