Thoughts, insights and opinions: May 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

a dark episode - so it seems...

A Dark Episode

Certainly a desire. . .
how I wish it could be true
as my heart decodes and my mind unlocks
thing looks not bad but worst..

Depression creeps in
beyond words..beyond speech
possibily, impossible
a reign that come to an end.
bashed...bullied. . .helpless
a sign...the time has come
as all harboured hope vanished. . .

What tomorrows brings
excites me no more for I know
it end up just the same
anyway 1ts just a game
I fought and lost

Aso D'horrible
Copyright ©2005 Aso D'horrible

It was a poem i wrote sometime back.. which was published in The only that i ever send anyway. Someone did ask.,. is it anything to do of im being depressed... well im not. It was just tht i was trying writing dark poems... and guess i succeeded...

But the problem is.. i have to elevate myself to an emotional level to write dark themed poems....tht actually affects me...and created a mood which I hate..

I do try to avoid such poems... I rather write `feel good' poems...indeed it gives much hope..

Thts for now... d'horrible one..signs off...

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Watch what u say

Why do people just let it out what ever in their mind without really thinking what effect it has to another. I amazed by this. Is is a good thing to call a spade a spade and feel proud of it?

But again deep in me i feel, if it hurts another, it aint worth it. It is always better to be diplomatic at certain times when u need to get a message across.

And on other times, if its done during the spur of moment, people can always be sarcastic about it when confronted again. as its a mistake in the first place. It is better to follow the mind rather heart, Being sensible is the key. I could be wrong, then again I could be right.

Anyway people behave the way they do due to circumstances.. and what right do I have to even question them. So I might just keep my opinion to myself. My apologies to those who think they are right....

D'poet as what he thinks...