Thoughts, insights and opinions: It makes sense...or does it?

Friday, July 22, 2005

It makes sense...or does it?

When you get out of the habit of listening, the voice of Divine Spirit becomes weaker and weaker. Not because It is speaking in a quieter voice, but because you have turned down the volume control on the inner instrument of Soul.
— Sri Harold KlempThe Language of Soul

It comes to my sense the other day. How wrong I was to be judgmental. I failed to practice what I preach. The recent changes that took place in my life and the way I went forward to handle it, as I see it now. It is much clearer now. Things always happen for a reason. There are no mistakes in life’s plan. Only grasping the sudden change of events is the toughest moment..

Those who are outside looking inside.. it always shows things differently. Change is something not many prepared to accept. Time and events make things change. Acceptance of things the way they are the best way to handle change. But how many of us could do that.

Here with also I would like to make things right of what could be wrong. Someone pointed that how can I be judgmental without getting the facts right and how well do I know a person to come up with such conclusion. Feeling hurt by another persons conduct without even knowing the reasons of such happening. Being the sensitive nature I’m, ( Which poet isn’t eh..) sometime I feel I may have overreacted towards things. I would like to apologize if ever indirectly or directly, by being sensitive , I have shown my insensitivity.

That’s for now.


At 2:41 AM, Blogger Yasmin said...

Hi Aso,
i like your opinion on this one. I strongly believed in this myself, that we should not judge any person since we are not in their position. Things do happen for reasons best known to God. Of course there's right and wrong but that's totally a person's perspective. So there...

At 11:55 AM, Blogger Da Zulu said...

This post kinda hit close to home for me. Not beczuse I have the habit of judging others... more like the other way around. Over the years I've learned that no matter what you do, how hard you try, you'll never be able to please everybody. Some will like you and some just can't stand the sight of you for reasons only known to them.

I've been harshly judged by a lot of people, a lot of times. Just because I dress something different, I look something different, and don't blend in with the crowd, I get judged. And sad to say it's usually unfairly. However, instead of trying to be the person that others think I should be, I chose to stay true to myself and just be the best me that I can be. If people still don't like that, then too bad. It's not my problem.


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